

主席:李岘(Maria Lixian Gee-Shweiger, Ph.D) 汉语言学博士。美国中文作家协会创会主席,连续三届被选举为协会主席。华文作家、剧作家。移民美国前,在中国黑龙江省电视台及影视中心做电视剧责任编辑、编剧十一年,先后编辑、编剧、主持、撰稿电视剧和电视专题节目及文学作品五十多部集篇。移民美国后,出版过五本书、十二集电视纪录片、二十集电视剧文学剧本及近百篇未结集的杂文及小说等;参与编撰了两部“大典”。现为美国 T.J法学院中文教授和中国暨南大学客座教授。详情参照作协主席简介


The Founder and the first, second and third term’s President of CWAA: Maria Lixian Gee-Shweiger, Ph.D .  She was born in China and immigrated to America since 1992. Before immigrating to U.S.A, worked at National TV Station, Heilongjiang province, China, as an editor, writer, for over fifty pieces of TV Programs. A member of National Television Experts Association and Play Experts Association in China since 1987. She has published five books and many articles after immigrating to the U.S.A.  She has her Doctor’s Degree of Chinese Linguistics in Studies on Chinese Applications. She is an Adjunct Professor of Thomas Jefferson School of Law and Mira Costa College in America, and Jinan University in China.  She is the co- founders and the honorable Chair of American Chinese Culture and Education Foundation, U.S.A (ACCEF).


副主席:文昊(Hao Wen)    美国硕士。自小在母亲的影响下非常热爱中国古典文学,在上初中以前就能背诵大量的诗词以及古文。后来自己常写一些古诗,风格主要近似韩孟诗派,同时受楚辞诗经的影响比较大,也有一些田园诗、咏史诗以及五言古体诗。文学艺术相通。 六岁开始学琴,并受到良好的学院派教育,键盘、古筝都获得了中央音乐学院九级证书。音乐的熏习对她在诗词以及对文学的审美鉴赏力上提供了很大的帮助。现为牧云诗社的主要成员。

Vice-President of CWAA: Hao Wen, got her Masters of Science in school of business at University of San Diego in 2013. She was brought up under her mother's influence who has a great passion for Chinese classical literature. She has a great knowledge in poetry and pose even in her childhood. During her teenager years, she started to write poems herself and her poems style are greatly influenced by The Songs, which is a grand ancient Chinese master piece of poetry. She also has an academic education in music study, which she said, has a tremendous impact on her understanding of poems and provided a great help in the poetry and aesthetic appreciation of literature. She started to play keyboard and Guzheng, a Chinese zither, at age of six, and her playing of both of the instruments were recognized by the highest level at the Central Conservatory of music in China. She is also an active member of the Poetry Society of Mu-yun.

秘书长:  崔萍(Anita Cui),美国中文作家协会第三届理事会秘书长、美国中文作家协会永久会员、“旅美作家CWAA有声频道”业务总监、主播。国家级普通话测试员、国家级主任播音员、国家级朗诵高级辅导教师、记者。从事广播电视工作近40年,有多部广播电视作品荣获省级和国家级奖项,并多次荣获浙江省最佳播音(主持)大赛一等奖、推广普通话先进个人等荣誉。主持创办了全国广播电视系统第一家专业综合艺术团,任团长、艺术总监,并一直担任广播电视台大型活动部主任、大型活动(演出)总导演,执导了近千场大型活动与演出,并撰写过上百台大型演出和活动的串联台本、文稿以及散文、报告文学、诗歌、小品等文学作品。

Secretary General of CWAA: Anita Cui, lifetime member of Chinese Writers' association of America(CWAA),anchor and broadcaster of the CWAA audio channel.She worked as a board - certified testing judge for the National Proficiency Test of Putonghua(aka Standard Mandarin),board-certified lecturer and tutor for poetry citation and dramatic reading of Putonghua(Standard Mandarin),as well as a seasoned journalist. She's been a veteran broadcasting and media personality for four decades, with a prolific and national award winning collection of works that made her stood out from peers. It is worth noticing that among all the accolades, she is unanimously considered as one of the best news anchors, tv presenters and broadcasters on a local and national level, and was awarded a series of honors in all her chosen fields. She single-handedly founded the very first multi- art form art group that was entirely built within the national broadcasting system, of which she had led as the head of the group and creative director. Apart from her work with the group, she was also named as the creative director-in-chief, art curator and event organizer by the local major networks and syndicated media companies. Throughout her lengthy career, she directed thousands of mega-sized galas, award ceremonies, concerts and shows of which she also spearheaded as the head writer. As a result of writing screenplays, a parallel career as a budding writer began. up till now, she has built a mesmerizing portfolio that consists of essays, documentaries, poetries, sketches and more to come.


财务长:谭瑞钦 (Daniel Tam)    1977年从香港移民美国,毕业于圣地牙哥州立大学会计系及修完西来大学宗教佛学硕士的全部课程。曾任某进口公司财务长至2004年退休。自1994年以来,义务从事到加州监狱内做义工,传扬佛教及禅定修心。退休后,与一位佛教法师成立了非盈利机构“菩蕯寺”,专心从事义务工作,回报社会。到目前已有超过二千“更生人”皈依佛门, 改邪归正。他自幼喜爱文学。曾在佛光山西方寺、台湾佛教慈济功德会、香港佛门网、美国中文作家协会、中国大陆良知行网站发表过多篇有关监狱弘法文章。


CFO of CWAA: Daniel S Tam, was born in 1947 and raised in Hong Kong thorough high school.  I married to my wife Shirley in 1969.  My family and I  were immigrated to United States of America in 1977 with three children aged 7, 5 and 2.  Upon arrival in USA I finished my B.S. degree in business majoring in accountancy at San Diego State University and later earned my Master degree at University of the West majoring in Buddhism philosophy under the guidance of Prof. Lewis Lancaster who is one of the well respected scholar in the world.  I worked at an import company as a Chief Financial Officer from 1987 until my retirement in 2004 while at the same time dedicated my time volunteering to serve the communities such as homeless at ST. Vincent De Paul, started visiting the prison inmates in 1995 joined force with San Diego Buddhist Association to expound the Buddha Dharma. In 2004, I joined force with a Buddhist monk to establish a non-profit Organization called International Bodhisattva Sangha a 501 ( c ) (3) status Dedicating to serve the general public such as Prison Visitation and homeless program. During the course of visiting the prison at Calipatria State Prison(one of the prison under CDCR system), many inmates has been benefiting from the teaching of the Buddha and taught by compassionate action.  I also volunteer at USA Tzu Chi Buddhist Foundation in 2011 to serve the general public and has published an article related to my volunteering experience in the prison both in Chinese and English at one of the Tzu Chi books collection.  

会员理事:苏飒(Sara),美国中文作家协会永久会员、网站文字编辑。曾用笔名南风,羽飞。美国中文作家协会理事会会员理事,协会网站文字编辑。大学时期开始诗歌创作,曾任荒原文学社责编,主编,社长,作品散见于校刊,晚报文艺副刊,星星诗刊,南方月刊等,曾发表作品巜宿命》,巜种子》,《春》等,参与自编自销校园文集巜荒原》,参加大学生联合诗社。后停笔多年,赴美留学工作创业,从事电子材料研发推广。现任ASL Technologies 总裁。近年重逢旧日诗友,在感动感慨感召下重启笔耕。爱好阅读写作,喜欢舞蹈,音乐,绘画,美食,茶,红酒,旅行,摄影等,努力把生活过成诗的模样。

The Board Member: Sara Su: She got her Masters of Science in Material Science and Engineering at University of California, Irvine. She began to write poetry during her college years, served as chief editor, and president of the Huongyuan Literary Society, and her works were scattered in the school journal, the evening newspaper, the Star Poetry Journal, the Southern Monthly, etc., and she had published works such as Shuai Fate, "The Seed", "Spring", etc., She went to the United States to study and work and start a business, engaged in the research and development and promotion of electronic materials. She is currently President of ASL Technologies. In recent years, she has reunited with old poets and restarted writing under the inspiration of emotion. She loves reading and writing, likes dance, music, painting, food, tea, wine, travel, photography, etc., and strives to live her life like poetry.


主席:李岘(Maria Lixian Gee-Shweiger, Ph.D)

副主席:何绍义(Shaoyi He, PhD)

秘书长:叶显林 ( Xianlin Ye )

财务长:谭瑞钦 (Ruiqin Tan)

网站理事:文昊(Hao Wen)

会员理事: 胡沅(Emily Yuan Hu)

外联理事:节冰 (Bing Jie)


主席:李岘(Maria Lixian Gee-Shweiger, Ph.D)

副主席:何绍义(Shaoyi He, PhD)、孙兴华(Xinghua Sun)

财务长:许晓妮(Xiaoni Xu)、谭瑞钦 (Daniel Tan)

秘书长:赵燕冬 ( Yandong Zhao )

理事:文昊(Hao Wen)、齐滨英(Binying Qi)、王智(Zhi Wang)康鸿熹 R TODD CORNELL